The cast of Vikings.
http://www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2015/02/vikings-season-2-cast.png |
Hello everyone! Ao here again, with another review. Today, I will be introducing some variety, and talking about the show Vikings. I know, it's a departure from my usual reviews on cartoons and cooking shows, but I do have wide tastes!
Ragnar Lothbrok.
http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/images/c_fill,h_576,w_1024/t_mp_quality/votco7kigekzlmfyrwpf/the-saga-of-ragnar-lodbrok-is-vikings-really-that-historically-accurate-733240.jpg |
Vikings is set in the middle ages, and follows the adventures of protagonist Ragnar Lothbrok, Ragnar is an exceptionally skilled Viking warrior, with ambitions to go beyond fighting battles with fellow Viking clans, and to pillage and raid Western Europe for its vast riches. Ragnar is aided by his brother Rollo, good friend Floki, and a host of other Viking warriors. The series involves a series of battles, betrayal, love, lust, and gruesome death scenes.
My Thoughts and Review
Vikings is an interesting show. It strives to be authentic with regards to the Viking culture. From the clothes to hairstyles, to the battle scenes and mannerisms, it felt really authentic. They also introduced some supernatural themes from Norse mythology, for example, when Ragnar sees Odin, a Norse god, take fallen warriors into Valhalla, a place where Viking warriors may go if they die in battle. However, my criticism would be that some of the dialogue is flat, and uninteresting at times. For example, in some scenes, the characters would talk for 20 minutes, and nothing would happen. Another criticism would be the acting. Some of the acting feels stiff and unnatural. This is related to the dialogue, which also falls flat at times. That being said, there were some exciting and intense scenes.
Overall: 7/10. Good show, but it does have flaws.
Plot: 6/10. Dull moments fill gaps between exciting moments.
Dialogue: 4/10. This is where the show falls flat. It can be very dull at times.
Acting: 5/10. Some good acting, but also some very stiff acting.
Recommendation: Strongly recommend for those with a keen interest in shows set in the middle ages, specifically those with an interest in Norse culture. For others, I would recommend you watch an episode or two, and see if you like the show or not.